Amanda Summerbell is a native Northern Virginian (Fairfax). She received a Smith Corona for her ninth birthday and would write stories to sell to her neighbors. At the age of 10, she got her first rejection from Bantam Doubleday. She now has a BA from George Mason University, is a West Virginia wife and mother of four daughters. Amanda enjoys gardening, and she's a total foodie, so if you have a favorite recipe, she's sure to want it. Music and old movies are something she enjoys (Dean Martin is her favorite!) and if there's a crime show on, she wants to watch it. Both interests help her with her writing, which is still what she loves doing most. She primarily writes thriller, suspense, and paranormal stories. Her favorite writers are Daphne Du Maurier, Mary Higgins Clark, and Heather Graham.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

With Christmas Around the Corner...

So by now, everyone has heard about the Santa and the little boy that died in his arms.  I have cried about that story off and on for two days now.  This is a difficult time of year for me anyway, since my dad passed away on Christmas day, back in 2008.  It is still very fresh.

I was answering interview questions yesterday for a blog tour and came across one that asked what my favorite Christmas story is.  I had to smile at this one, and knew the answer instantly.  When I was little, my parents bought me the most beautiful edition of the book, A Christmas Carol.  It was hard bound with a green cover and had gorgeous pictures.  Starting that year, my dad and I would sit together in our living room.  This is the room that held one of our two Christmas trees, usually a white one with colored lights.  We would just sit there and I would read the story to him.  Every year, usually a week or so before Christmas.  What an amazing memory.

I think back on that time often, especially when I am trying to make sense of the fact that dad died on Christmas day.  I also gravitate to stories like the one about the Santa, even though I know that doing so will result in me being a puddle for days.  Why do I do this to myself?  Because it is important to understand that sometimes, I worry about stupid things that don't matter.  Sometimes I can be just plain negative (okay, a lot of the time).  Sometimes, I am too wrapped up in myself to give thought to others.  And reading stories like this pulls me back into reality.  

In reality, I have been bestowed many blessings.  I have come through difficult times and am still breathing.  I can read a sad story and bawl like a baby, which proves that I have a heart, and it works.  

Monday, December 5, 2016

Family Sins

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Publisher: Tell-Tale Publishing Group (November 17, 2016)

You wouldn’t think a kid who was kidnapped and sold for drug money could have her life turned around when she tried to steal a can of survival supper from a convenience store, but this one did. Sixteen-year-old Kat Menninger’s mother died when she was seven, leaving her in the care of an abusive, drunk father in a shack in Longview, West Virginia. When Kat is busted shoplifting dinner at a convenience store, local cop Ed Stein gives her a choice: do time, or enter a program for troubled youth, assisting the elderly. She chooses the latter and is paired up with Delilah Grand, a former Vegas showgirl with crippling arthritis. Kat begins to feel safe in Delilah’s home. She changes her dark, grunge look back to the original bright, blond girl she was, and stops skipping school. She also lands a part-time job at a local bookstore and befriends a co-worker who eventually asks her out. Her newfound confidence is lost, though, when a routine locker search at school yields a copious amount of marijuana. Will running away land her in more trouble than Delilah or even Ed can help get her out of this time?